sometimes i hate living here.
bear with me. i'm having a negative evening goddamnit. foresaking all my friends, family, and comfy little local hangouts for this disneyland of stripmalls and perfectly manicured 'common areas' is my own personal hell sometimes.
Being 'special' -according to good ol' mom- is something of a disadvantage in this land. i have yet to find good friends i would call if ever in need down here. i have yet to feel i belong anywhere down here. maybe this girl just wasn't meant for the south. or is it this pseudonorthern area thats to blame? i bet the real south probably isn't that bad. but here, where every other car is a BMW, every other head has an earpiece plugged into it, every other handshake has acrylic french tips dangling off limp fingers, things are rarely true. the south has that midwestern reputation to uphold. hearty, easy, down-homey types. well those types aren't here. no 1984 Nissan trucks with gun racks in the back and '40 isn't old if you're a tree' bumperstickers mingling with these mercedes so shiny new they don't even have license plates on them.
the other problem i'd like to kvetch about is thanks to my no grrreat friends down here situation, i find the only person i go out with is my man. this is nice, this is fabulous. but when it's not nice and/or fabulous, it down right sucks. take tonight for example. long week at work (like a how-on-earth-did-they-squeeze-70-hours-into-40-hours kind of week) and all i wanted was a frosty, fruity margerita (I have no idea how to spell that drink and don't ever plan to learn). but i walked in the door, promtly got in a fight with the future hubby, stormed upstairs and locked myself in the bedroom, taking the dogs with me.
so much for that drink.