

i'm going to get married.

not someday, as in, oh, before i turn 97. but on a fixed date, with a determined man.

this is terrifying.

ask me why. i'm wearing a shiny 1.5 carat princess cut platinum ring. I'm living in an upscale condo outside DC with our two adorable dogs. suburbia is scaring the isht out of me. the tamed domestication of marriage is not something i ever thought i'd dread or grow to loathe. i never thought the security of always knowing someone will be there for you could possibly be a bad thing.

why am i the one with commitment issues? this is the boys issue. before the ring and the date, we were good. i was even anxious to get engaged. then once engaged, Mr. Fiance suggested a long engagement, but no -i would have none of it. However, my better sense got the better of me and we will have an almost two year engagement.