

Ahhh my lovely lovely readers. Just when i think all is well, something goes amiss. When did it go there? I just don't know. And where the hell is amiss exactly? Questions abound.

One day things are great. Then _ ___ ____. Then things weren't great. That middle step is a little amorphous, but that's unimportant. What's important is where we are now -which as you'll note in that first paragraph - is totally lost.

There's really just one question here. Can you stay with someone, forever, if you don't share all the same hobbies? Or, even most of the same hobbies? Yes it's a presumptuous question i know.

What about loving one another? What about thinking your mate is the funniest, smartest person in the room? What about being so proud of that person, so proud that you are with that person? You feel like you make a great team, there's chemistry, as hokey as that sounds. And maybe most importantly, even after years go by, you still can't wait to spend time with that person.

Is that enough? If you want the same things, you have the same values, the same sense of humor... is that enough? i hope so.


Damn you Bravo, damn you

I used to read all the time. I used to blow through several books a month.

I used to listen to classical music.

I used to write fiction.

I used to go on long walks on the trails with my dog and my favorite boy.

I used to get my news from WTOP and NPR.

I used to rent movies with artistic merit. Films no one had heard of with actors who make as much money as me.

And then came Fios. And with it, Bravo.

And i find myself watching The Real Housewives.

Did i mention Top Chef?