Diesel is at the hospital. The doggie hospital but he doesn't know the difference and i'm sure it smells as sweet and the neighbors are just as pleasant as at the people hospital so lets not spoil it for him.
Little tyke's been there since monday night. Looks like he is taking after his mom. Per my usual medical run of things, the docs are clueless. Could be pneumonia. Could be a birth defect. We really can't say for sure. But what we can say is thus far it'll cost you $350. After that, we're going to have to check our records and our vacation homes in Puerto Vallarta.
Can't put a price on my little boys head of course. Though i think at times J could.
I'd just like him home, bouncing off the walls and following me around like a shadow. Until then i'm trying to keep busy -what else can i do? I pester the vets for the latest test results, make healthful, complicated, yet tasty dinners (homemade chinese anyone?) and i've started painting the kitchen red. Yep, deep dark Colgate red -so really more of a coppery burgundy?
anyway i'm off like a prom dress to try to rejuvi my brain for 8 hours. -who am i kidding, maybe 6 or 7?
**I will be accepting mental donations of happy furry thoughts through the end of this week at least. Thank you for your support**
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