in response to a dear friends comment...
it appears there is just too darn much going on in my skull to get it out on this blog.
i have les pieds frois as maybe les frrench say.
my dog is sick again.
said sick dog has already cost me close to $2500 and will likely cost lots more.
someone might have reappeared in my life which might cause me huge issues and might alter the course of my otherwise dull life.
what was to be a wooden spoon wedding with paperplate reception has turned into a professional kitchenaid with all the attachments and a catered ordeal complete with butlers.
my career bores me -i find no greater purpose or good in it.
i very much dislike where i exist(town/county/state/country).
my car needs serious repair/maintenance work sure to cost nothing less than several hundred dollors, quite possibly lots more.
i frequently feel that i'm single-handedly planning and executing this kitchenaid with all of its attachments.
my future inlaws are flying in on friday.
i have a dentist appointment looming for that same friday that the inlaws arrive.
so as you can see, my brain is an f*ing mess. i can't seem to keep focused on much of anything for any significant period of time.
1 comment:
Move to a better country... you know which one ;)
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