
'6 Good Things About Bad Storms' or 'The Bright Side of Dark Weather'

While obviously there's nothing fun about a dangerous storm, there's a lot of reasons that a big bad storm can be a pretty good thing.

1. Your plants could use a reprieve. -This has been a particularly hot summer and our little potted friends might welcome a little time out of the sun.

2. No guilt! -There's no guilt when you hang out inside that you might otherwise feel when it's sunny and a balmy 80 degrees out -but all you want to do is lounge around inside and watch Downton Abbey.

3. She's crafty! -In the words of the all powerful Beastie Boys. You can use this down time to get your art on. Paint, draw, scrapbook -whatever floats your proverbial boat.

4. Spring cleaning? -Yup, it's hard to put it off when outdoor activities aren't such a bright idea. And let's face it, when it's so nasty out that you'd rather clean the house than walk the dog - you may as well run with it.

5. Stock that fridge -so you've already hit the grocery (you're prepared of course). Now your cupboard is full but the fridge... Why not use the power (while you have it) and make something tasty that you can munch on later -say by candle light?

6. Get smart -so the TV won't work? No XBOX?? No worries, pick up a book. That's right, it's a great chance to snuggle up to a nice Pumpkin Spice candle with a hot cup of chai and catch up on your Margaret Atwood or Neil Gaiman. In fact, that sounds like a fantastic idea...

What will you be doing while this bit of nastiness flows through? Besides boardgames what will you all be doing to pass the time?

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