
That's so ethiopian hyena

I think i've added a new phrase to my lexicon. We just love that, don't we dear reader?

I learned tonight -don't ask where please- that in Ethiopa, people have taken the dangerous and unpredictable hyena under their wing. Hyenas, packs of which have been known to attack humans. The locals bring their butchers scraps to the edge of town, at the end of each day, and feed them to the wild dogs. In this beautiful and unexpected synergy, the dogs get a tasty bite and the people can come face to face with their dangerous, local, and ever present foe, in a fairly safe way. As a result, people become a little less afraid of the beasts, and the dogs more used to people.

As if those results weren't satisfying enough, the people of Ethiopa have gone so far as to cut hyena-sized holes into the walls of their cities. Why would they let those great wild hungry beasts wander freely into their metropoli? Turns out hyenas aren't all that excited about crowds. They only enter the urban areas at night when the streets are free from their daytime inhabitants. What do they get for their endeavors? All the trash they can handle. Ethiopians, like so many other countries residents, don't have the cleanest markets. Their markets need a thorough cleaning at the end of every day and hyenas are only too happy to help out. To be fair, a good scrub probably wouldn't hurt either but dogs can only go so far.

The animal that should be menacing, unapproachable, terrifying, is actually critical to the vibrant life of the ethiopian city. As Louis Armstrong said, what a wonderful world.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Random, interesting nugget!