
morals: friend or foe?

in an effort to prepare for an impending debate, lets discuss society's innate, unspoken, unenforcable (mostly) rules: morals.

Issue #1: Defense for cowardice. This one is fact. but is it the dominant pro argument?

Issue #2: Do unto others. i think this is the one i buy into most. it does make one massive assumption: that others feel the same as i do. If wouldn't want my ass grabbed by some guy, i shouldn't grab some guys ass. Wrong. What is said guy doesn't mind? In fact, he might dig it. hm. at a basic level, this one is true 99% of the time isn't it? i wouldn't like to be stabbed in the back, therefore...

Issue #3: The hereafter. i'm not sure i'm qualified to tackle this one. lots of those same people who dig this item also think that child molester down the street can repent in his last minute and go hang out with my grandma and St. Peter.

Issue #4: Protection. Let me clarify. by that i mean morals are maybe meant to protect you from yourself. quite often, doing whatever one likes, can put one in unfortunate positions

Issue #5: ya hurt the ones you love. morals are supposed to stop that. right?

i'm sure there are more. lemme think about it. anyone else?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#4 is a homerun

Morals,laws, rules, etc. exist to answer the age old question - "what the heck do we do when two people who have absolutely no stake in each other's well being run into each other?"

Morals are about protection, but not just protection from oneself. Morals exist for the protection of society (#2 Do unto others), for the protection of our beliefs (#3 the hereafter) and for the protection of those we care for (#5 the ones ya love).

Look at them in this context and you can see why they're constantly changing and evolving.